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Greater Mount Calvary Christian Church

Greater Mount Calvary Christian Church

The Whole Truth Ministries, Inc.

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

Bishop Donald L. Smith, D.D.
CEO and Founder

Our Mission

The awesome challenge of WTM is to reach all nations by the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, communicating the whole truth of God’s word with the intent of liberating God’s people for the purpose of maximizing their potential for the Kingdom John 8:32. We intend to fulfill the mission by launching a strong evangelistic ministry that reaches the lost; domestic and abroad. Also, edifying the body of Christ by aiding local pastors in preparing their congregation for the work of the ministry. We offer an array of ministry helps to include bible teaching seminars, evangelism workshops, church growth conferences, teachers’ training, marriage seminars, singles’ conferences, men, women and youth retreats. It is also the heart felt desire of WTM to provide an avenue for gifted and talented artists, singers, poets and writers to have their materials published and copyrighted through The Whole Truth Publishing Co. and Music Studio.

WTM also sets forth as its mission to prepare ministers for the work of the ministry through catechism, examination, licensing, and ordination. We will also serve to plant churches both domestically and internationally, as well as place trained ministers in these churches to assure success. It is also the desire of WTM to provide information and help to other churches in starting their own Church based day-care and Christian Schools.

Jamaica Foreign Missions/WTM Banquet

Praise the Lord, my soul;

all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Psalm 103:1

Greater Mount Calvary CC